With Facebook’s most recent changes it’s become more important than ever to have your marketing strategy locked down. While some are doing everything right, some might be puzzled at why they just can’t get it right. Are you getting low engagement or seeing zero conversion from your social platforms? This might be what you’re doing wrong:
1. You’re talking at your audience rather than talking to.
It’s an easy thing to mix up, but how you’re reaching out to your followers makes a huge difference. Unsure about what the difference is? Talking at your audience is nothing more than an open dialogue. Talking to your audience is what opens the post for conversation to lead to meaningful, engaging discussion. Here’s an example:
Talking at: Try this.
Talking to; Have you tried this?
Little word change, big difference.
Rest in peace, organic reach. Even before Zuckerberg announced the big changes coming to Facebook brands and publishers were already seeing a continual drop in their free reach. Now in order for content to be seen you’ve gotta feed into the pay-to-play machine. If it hasn’t been made clear already, Facebook really wants you to pay for advertising. Indiepreneur on their podcast sums it up perfectly on how advertising will play a huge role in brands appearing on user’s news feed, and why.
If you’re not keeping track of how well your pages are doing you should be. How else would you know if the content you’re pushing out is what your followers want to see? Repeating the same mistakes will not only cost you engagement, but also the opportunity of making money.
If you’re not having any luck in patching the holes in your boat, that’s where we can help. Grayscale Marketing can help with all the problems above and more through effective content marketing, strategic advertising while providing you comprehensive data that’ll show you where your brand’s platform stands. Interested in knowing more about how we can help? Let’s chat.